Let's Clear The Clutter

Oct 23, 2017 Motherhood, Personal

I keep hearing these words & I keep "knowing" I need to do so... yet "life" just seems to constantly get in the way.

OR does it???

Am I allowing it to swallow me whole?
Am I allowing it to give me excuse after excuse of why I literally "do not have the time"?
Am I allowing it to distract me enough from feeding MY SOUL?!

I think I am even afraid to type this,,, but yes. The answer is YES.

In so many ways I truly just run out of time because I am literally going in circles between baby, toddler, house, cook, clean, work, shoot, edit, create, errands, take to school, pick up from school, groceries, naptime, bedtime, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, tantrums, nurse, bottles, soothe, play, walk, love, nurture, calm, meal prep, exercise, edit some more, emails, more emails, AAAAAAAND repeat. Sleep? Forget about it. Uninterrupted sleep? Don't think so. Sleeping in? hahahahahahahahaha. I'm sorry, but what is that again?

There are days that I am in complete awe of my serious multi-tasking skillz... & days where I am needing to tape my eyelids to my eyebrows just to keep awake. All jokes aside, adulting is HARD. Period. #AMIRIGHT?!
It IS also so so so so so so GOOD.
I truly count my lucky stars for this absolutely precious life I have been given. I LOVE it & my family SO much,,, it's crazy how much!!!
I am incredibly GRATEFUL.

I am realizing, though, that I am in a period of my life where it is really easy to lose yourSELF. Not just because my heart is so devoted to giving my children & family my all, but also because we live in an era where there are far too many distractions robbing us from the NOW -- making it harder for us to be truly fully present.
...& I'll be darned if I am going to let it anymore than it already has!!!
I want to make the best of it for myself AND my family.

Today at church, our pastor Cliff shared a verse that really spoke to me :
"When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things." ~ Corinthians 13:11
Why do we start "putting away" the stuff that is INSIDE OF US...
the stuff we grew up on, that made us, US?
The stuff that is REAL?
The stuff that is innocent & beautiful?
It doesn't make sense & it is definitely not helping any of us.
We all need to share more, inspire each other, live transparently & authentically. Be who we were created to BE.

So, here I am. I am (re)starting today.
It took everything in me to sit down & take some time for ME right now (as my kiddos miraculously nap at the same time) & not do some work or answer some emails. I need to do some "work" on me, too, right? ...Don't we all?

I am ready to clear the clutter...
not tomorrow, not yesterday...
I am ready to really see clearly what is in front of me & to be the very best version of ME!
Are you?!

This blog used to be a place where I spilled my soul to the world in hopes that if what I had to say might help or relate to one person,
it would be enough...
& ever since I became a mother, I have felt almost stuck as to "how to make the time to share" more.
The irony is that THIS is the time I should be sharing more than I ever have!!!
So I am going to.
I want to continue sharing my journey.
I want to hold myself accountable.
I want to connect.
I want to give to myself AND give back.
I want us all to feel connected & that we are never alone.

... & that change DOES happen.
It starts TODAY.

Starting today,
I will be sharing things I am doing to help me continue to "clear the clutter" & be my very BEST self.

I encourage you to join me!
I want to hear about YOUR journey, too.
May we all begin to challenge & inspire ourselves to start making more time for US so we can be amazing in all areas of our busy lives.
Are you ready?
Let's do this!

I'll be sharing all sorts of tips & ideas & baby steps to help "clear the clutter" on
& of course, here on this good ol' blog of mine!

and/or tag me
so we can all connect! }

For now,
take a walk around your block or with a good friend.
Notice the little things around you & be sure to take time to TAKE A PHOTO OF SOMETHING THAT INSPIRES YOU along the way!

Lastly, I'll leave you with one of my favorite reminders that I snapped from an old wall calendar years ago.
Really looking forward to connecting.
Much, much love,

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