
Jul 19, 2011 Personal

happiness can come in many forms.
yet somehow, some days we just can seem to see it.

or feel it.

but we sure do want it.
or maybe more so need it.

some days we struggle. get confused in the clutter,,,

that our own society has manifested
...& we so easily accepted.

yet somehow, even on the brightest of days,

we can't seem to see the LIGHT.
even though it will always
continue to shine so incredibly bright.

we may need to just sit in 'it'
whatever 'it' may be,
or seek guidance from those we trust

find the courage within us to P R A Y
even though our heart may feel damp, heavy some may say.

to take the chances you know you should take,
say the things that lie along the top of your chest.
to breath & cry & smile & laugh~
all at the same time...
to give your mind a rest.

just to find that all along,
you were never alone.
you were never lost.
you were never scattered.
you were never.... unhappy.

you may choose to feel any which way,
but in the end, when you search within yourself,
the essence of your core,
your spirit...

there IS love.
there IS light.
there IS hope.
there IS possibility.
there IS laughter.
there IS joy.
there IS life.
there IS soul.

there IS passion.
there is the chance & choice to start anew.
to view & mold your own happiness,


the photo below i took recently on father's day with my precious nephew Danny. even on the hardest of days, i am so thankFULL for the sweet reminders of how beautiful life is,,, & grateFULL for the true gift of photography.
happy tuesday,,,

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