Joy Is

2024. It was a year of building for me. I learned to let go of things that dragged me down, created healthy boundaries, grew closer to the Lord than I ever have before, trusted, believed, found virtue in patience and most importantly, really took time to appreciate the little things with the people who bring me so much joy โ€” the people I am so lucky to get to love. ๐Ÿ’—

As I grow older, every year I seem to be in awe at just how precious & fleeting life is. There is SO much to live for!! There can be joy found in the hard times. There is always a message in the mess. And joy is, truly, who you spend it with.

2024 was not perfect, but Iโ€™ve learned that the good stuff is found in the imperfect. If anything, 2024 taught me how important it is to be consistent with action & good attitude towards a life you want. Not only am I enough & worth it, but EVERYONE is.

I also was reminded that true happiness is not a place or a thing or a person or any amount of money โ€” itโ€™s the posture of your heart. If I could encourage you towards anything this coming new year, I would encourage you to make effort daily to make room to tend to your heart & all that you allow in it.

2025 is going to be a breakthrough year for so many of you โ€” I can just feel it! As for me, this is my year to fully dive in. You ainโ€™t see nothing yet! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Get ready, Iโ€™m here on this journey with you & I full-heartedly believe we are meant to thrive & feel our best โ€” mind, body & soul โ€” so letโ€™s do it together. โœจ


#newyear #joyis #joyiswhoyoushareitwith #imperfectlyperfect #loveothers #peace #celebratelife #lovelovemyfamily #wellness #wellnessblogger #wellnessmama #mindfulliving #beherenow #healthyhappylife #intentions #raiseyourvibration #healthy #liveyourlife #serveothers #loveyourself #mindbodysoul #mindfulness
๐Ÿ“ธ @eccampbellphotography ๐Ÿ’–
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