12 Years
12 years. Beyond thankful for you, our covenant, our family & this precious, full life God has given us. 🙏🏼
It certainly takes work, but it also takes a partner willing to put in the work. One who is willing to admit when wrong, to let go of pride & ego, to humble themself, as much as they are willing to love, encourage, pray & inspire another.
Thank you for being willing. Thank you for always showing up for me, & for us. Thank you for working through hard things as much as you work for the fun things. Thank you for being open to growing & for wanting to always grow with me, holding my hand step by step. 💖
As was read on our wedding day :
✨Marriage Takes Three✨
by Jasmine Cruz
“I once thought marriage took,
just two to make a go.
But now I’m convinced,
it takes the Lord also.
And not one marriage fails,
where Christ is asked to enter.
As lovers come together,
with Jesus at the center.
In homes where Christ is first,
it’s obvious to see.
Those unions really work,
for marriage still takes three.”
I know this to be more true with each year that passes & smile at how He continues to be so, so good. From the very beginning, to now & to the next chapter ahead — I am forever & ever thankful for you, my love!
“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” — Matthew 19:6 NIV
It certainly takes work, but it also takes a partner willing to put in the work. One who is willing to admit when wrong, to let go of pride & ego, to humble themself, as much as they are willing to love, encourage, pray & inspire another.
Thank you for being willing. Thank you for always showing up for me, & for us. Thank you for working through hard things as much as you work for the fun things. Thank you for being open to growing & for wanting to always grow with me, holding my hand step by step. 💖
As was read on our wedding day :
✨Marriage Takes Three✨
by Jasmine Cruz
“I once thought marriage took,
just two to make a go.
But now I’m convinced,
it takes the Lord also.
And not one marriage fails,
where Christ is asked to enter.
As lovers come together,
with Jesus at the center.
In homes where Christ is first,
it’s obvious to see.
Those unions really work,
for marriage still takes three.”
I know this to be more true with each year that passes & smile at how He continues to be so, so good. From the very beginning, to now & to the next chapter ahead — I am forever & ever thankful for you, my love!
“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” — Matthew 19:6 NIV