Sacred Soul Retreats : A Recap
it's bright aaaaand early. the birds are chirping & we are headed to the airport to document Kristy & Karl's wedding in gorgeous Florida! yay!
with that said,,,
first things first! during our travels, please EMAIL my awesome assistant Angela for any pressing matters! just CLICK HERE to email her. thank you!
since i am on the road again, i deemed it appropriate to share a last couple of thoughts from documenting the awesome experience with Sacred Soul Retreats at the beautiful Anamaya in Costa Rica.
speaking of which,,, for those of you who may have missed the previous posts, just CLICK HERE to check out the 1st post, CLICK HERE to check it out the 2nd post & CLICK HERE to check it out the 3rd post if you like!
it has been quite a whirlwind of BUSY since returning
& a little challenging to transition in from such calmness into what almost feels like chaos!
while at Anamaya, everyday i would walk past this little pink plant. it was definitely purposely planted and although i do not know the reason why,
i do know that it brought a smile to my face daily.
i nicknamed it the 'passion plant'.
this image reminds me the importance of noticing the 'little' things that make life that much sweeter.

first things first! during our travels, please EMAIL my awesome assistant Angela for any pressing matters! just CLICK HERE to email her. thank you!

since i am on the road again, i deemed it appropriate to share a last couple of thoughts from documenting the awesome experience with Sacred Soul Retreats at the beautiful Anamaya in Costa Rica.

speaking of which,,, for those of you who may have missed the previous posts, just CLICK HERE to check out the 1st post, CLICK HERE to check it out the 2nd post & CLICK HERE to check it out the 3rd post if you like!
& a little challenging to transition in from such calmness into what almost feels like chaos!

while at Anamaya, everyday i would walk past this little pink plant. it was definitely purposely planted and although i do not know the reason why,
i do know that it brought a smile to my face daily.

this image reminds me the importance of noticing the 'little' things that make life that much sweeter.

yes, i even miss the placemats!

an absolutely ah!mazing group of women.

...we just have to be sure to allow it in.

the texture, the strength, the smoothness, the rawness, the motion, the serenity... just to name a few.

where i met a certain iguana named 'Iggy' along the way

