To : My Terrific Mama
this morning i woke up, set my intention to have a great productive day & then thought out loud,
"it's my Mom's birthday!" as i reached for the phone to call her.
she answered & we chatted briefly, knowing i was going to stop over there later today. as i was getting off the phone my Mom told me she "loved me, sent kisses to me & wished me a good day"... as she always does every single time we get off the phone or part ways.
you see, my Mama has a way of making everything feel special.
through all of life's up's & down's, i know my mother's heart was always FULL of the greatest love for her family & friends. she is full of passion, life & love.
today, i wanted to make sure she felt special,,, because she really is. after a client meeting, i stopped over there to visit with some flowers, a card, carmel mocha & a little something i saw that reminded me of her... knowing all along that it wasn't the things that she would appreciate most... it was just seeing me.
before i left my parent's house, i went upstairs in search of a photograph of my mother that i must have stared at somewhere close to a zillion times when i was younger. as i searched endlessly for it, i came across a drawer that my Mom had filled with old cards & notes from us. my heart swelled up a bit at the thought of how sweet that was & how cool to see things from so long ago.
then i came across a note i wrote her and i couldn't help but laugh out loud.
i probably was around 8 at the time & the fact that i signed my full name was so cute & funny to me.
...but the words "to: My Terrific M
M" were so true, simple & sweet.
isn't it funny how so much time can pass & yet the adoration you have for your parents will always remain young in your heart?!
"it's my Mom's birthday!" as i reached for the phone to call her.
she answered & we chatted briefly, knowing i was going to stop over there later today. as i was getting off the phone my Mom told me she "loved me, sent kisses to me & wished me a good day"... as she always does every single time we get off the phone or part ways.
you see, my Mama has a way of making everything feel special.

today, i wanted to make sure she felt special,,, because she really is. after a client meeting, i stopped over there to visit with some flowers, a card, carmel mocha & a little something i saw that reminded me of her... knowing all along that it wasn't the things that she would appreciate most... it was just seeing me.
before i left my parent's house, i went upstairs in search of a photograph of my mother that i must have stared at somewhere close to a zillion times when i was younger. as i searched endlessly for it, i came across a drawer that my Mom had filled with old cards & notes from us. my heart swelled up a bit at the thought of how sweet that was & how cool to see things from so long ago.
i probably was around 8 at the time & the fact that i signed my full name was so cute & funny to me.
...but the words "to: My Terrific M

isn't it funny how so much time can pass & yet the adoration you have for your parents will always remain young in your heart?!

and reminds me of how blessed i am to have been raised by such a beautiful being. inside & out.

i love you so much!
srecan ti Rodendan!!!