. Happiness Is .

Jul 10, 2010 Personal, Dream Big Project
today started off as any normal day.
Jones & i took a long early morning walk.
a mix of Zac Brown Band, Jack Johnson, The Rolling Stones, Gary Allen, Bob Marley & The Avett Brothers rang through my headset.
i worked out, showered, ate a smoked salmon/arugula-filled breakfast & felt 'great'.
then work whizzed me away.

but for some reason
i can't shake this feeling that has crept up on me.
& despite the glorious sunshine,
today, i simply cannot ignore my aching heart.

so as i was driving earlier,
i kept telling myself things like
'this too shall pass'
'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'
'one day you will look back & understand why this is all happening the way it is'
'in the big picture, none of this really matters'
and of course,
'without heartache, you never know how good love really feels'...

and then, i stumbled across a little diddy i created awhile back called

'happiness is':
and somehow, even if for just a moment, my heart remembered how to curl into a smile again.

life sure is a ride,,,
a ride i'm enjoying every second of.
yes, the 'hard' bits of it, too.

because even in those moments,
you are allowing yourself the vulnerability of discovering more & more of




...just another reason to be happy, even in the 'unhappy'.

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