
Mar 26, 2008 Personal
happy wednesday to you! upon my return from Vegas, this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G video created by the great Rod Burnette of Music Box Productions greeted me in the mail. watching this video totally made me smile soooo BIG -- it was not only neat to relive such a super fun photo shoot on that most lovely October day, but also different to see myself & Robert Bruce shooting... watching some of our expressions & moves made me literally laugh right out loud. talk about such a rad day, an awesome group of people to be around & to have had the honor to work with!

some of you may know the people in this video & some of you may not -- either way it is about a group of friends, all FULL of life, character & tremendous personality just enjoying an afternoon with each other & making each other laugh. i hope it puts a smile upon your face as it did mine!

ps. i had to upload the video to youtube so that you could watch it but it just doesn't do it justice quality wise!!!
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