I Am Enough, & So Are You

I have NEVER allowed anyone to take a photo of me in a swimsuit. EVER.

I have always been ashamed of the size clothing that fit me because it wasn't a size 6, or even an 8 for that matter, that I have literally cut the tags off so that I wouldn't be reminded of it daily.

I have struggled looking in the mirror, feeling inadequate, too "wide" & big-boned.

I have had a love-hate relationship with the scale... that number does not reflect who I AM, & yet I have given it way too much power over the years.

I have felt, far too many times than I'd like to admit, that I am not enough.

These are truths that I have always tried to hide. I have always struggled with body image ever since I can remember.

I recall so vividly being 7 years old -- my Mom was taking a photo of my sister, Dad & I on our front porch before our big first trip to Yugoslavia & I thought to myself, "If I stand straighter then maybe I won't look fat." Mind you, I wasn't overweight in the slightest... & did I mention I was only SEVEN years old?!!

It's sad to think of how young I was when my mind began playing tricks on me. It's crazy to think how young we can be when we begin to hear and believe the LIES.

Negative self-talk is not TRUTH.
Negative self-talk is not LOVE.
Negative self-talk does NOT come from God.

It's pretty much as simple as that... and I know that now, although it's taken me years to get here, which is why I have been feeling compelled to write this post for a long time now.

Don't get me wrong, I am still human. I still sometimes allow the lies to creep in & sometimes even believe them for a minute.
...and I still can't really believe that I am going to actually post before & after photos of myself ON THE INTERNET!

BUT, the difference now is that I see myself in the LIGHT.
I see the TRUTH of who I AM.
I know I am & have always been meant to SHINE.

I have never felt so strong & confident
I have more balanced energy, which is quite the feat for a nonstop busy entrepreneur Mama.
I love & accept myself just the way that I am.
I am beautiful & healthy.
I accept the way that God has made me, with purpose & strength.
I am a role-model for my son & daughter. I hope that my daughter will always look at me and think, "My Mama is AWESOME & STRONG!"...
& that my son will look at me with radiance in his heart & in turn, be able to see ALL woman as BEAUTIFUL in all of their ways, no matter their shape or size.

I was approaching our daughter's 1st birthday and I just felt stuck, despite eating very healthy & working out. For some reason this time around, I just couldn't lose the extra weight in my stomach area & I knew I needed a change. For months I kept seeing ads for the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program popping up & then finally I just decided I HAD to bite the bullet and give it a try. I'm not gonna lie -- it intimidated me at first, but I knew in all of me that I was supposed to begin this new journey.

... and GOODNESS am I glad I did!!! It has now been over a year since I began the FWTFL & it has become a very natural lifestyle. For the first time EVER, I can honestly say I have such a healthy relationship with food, as well as sleep & exercise.

Most importantly, this shift has helped me truly accept the way that I am & rejoice in the progress I am making. I have never felt so strong, lean & confident. Below are my before & afters... from left to right, right before I began the program (post baby #2), after the first round & then to present day.

Because I AM ENOUGH.
Guess what?! So are YOU.
And if you are not feeling that way about yourself -- what is stopping you?

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program has been a life changer for me, & I know it can be the same for you.



PS. Below are two Vlogs that tell a bit more about my journey, intermittent fasting & the FWTFL program.

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