Castor Oil Treatment
With everything going on with my father , I have been really digging even deeper into my health & wellness roots. I am also realizing that although a lot of these things come naturally to me, they do not to many... so I am feeling even more compelled to share 'all of the things' that I do on a natural basis.
One of my go-to's when anyone in the house is feeling under the weather, having a tummy ache or any ache at all, or just wanting to relax & gain some general wellness maintenance, is a Castor Oil Treatment.
First, if you don't already know about the tremendous powers of organic castor oil, here are just a few :
*Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects.
*Powerful Laxative.
*Natural Moisturizer.
*Promotes Wound Healing.
*Reduces Acne/ Helps Skin Flourish.
*Fights Fungus.
*Keeps Your Hair & Scalp Healthy.
So yeah, it's some pretty powerful stuff! Incredibly healing & calming. My kids actually ask me to do "castor packs"... which I think speaks volumes to how it makes them feel.
Best part? To do a Castor Oil Pack treatment is pretty simple.
Organic Castor Oil
Reusable Water Bags (I suggest 2 per adult person, 1 per child)
Boiled water
Hand Towel (that will only be used for this purpose, nothing else since castor oil is a very thick oil)
This is my favorite Organic Castor Oil :
One of my go-to's when anyone in the house is feeling under the weather, having a tummy ache or any ache at all, or just wanting to relax & gain some general wellness maintenance, is a Castor Oil Treatment.

First, if you don't already know about the tremendous powers of organic castor oil, here are just a few :
*Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects.
*Powerful Laxative.
*Natural Moisturizer.
*Promotes Wound Healing.
*Reduces Acne/ Helps Skin Flourish.
*Fights Fungus.
*Keeps Your Hair & Scalp Healthy.
So yeah, it's some pretty powerful stuff! Incredibly healing & calming. My kids actually ask me to do "castor packs"... which I think speaks volumes to how it makes them feel.

Best part? To do a Castor Oil Pack treatment is pretty simple.
Organic Castor Oil
Reusable Water Bags (I suggest 2 per adult person, 1 per child)
Boiled water
Hand Towel (that will only be used for this purpose, nothing else since castor oil is a very thick oil)

(which are technically Reusable Hot Water Bottles, Enema &Douche Kit -- but don't be intimidated by that,
just use them for the awesome water bags that they are

1 // Boil some water in a tea kettle.
2 // Fill up the reusable water bag(s) half way with boiled water, lightly push out any excess air & close. This will be used as a hot compress.
PLEASE NOTE: If doing this for children, fill 1/4 bag with boiled water & 1/4 with regular temp water from the faucet so that it isn't too hot for their little bodies!
3 // Rub Organic Castor Oil all over the chest & stomach area.
4 // Place hand towel on top of chest & stomach area where castor oil was applied.
5 // Place one warm water bag over chest & one over abdomen area. *If placing on a child, they usually only need one water bag to cover both areas well.
6 // Relax & enjoy for at least one hour. Do as many times as you would like! If wanting to feel extra comfy, place a blanket over yourself, too.
{ My kids living their best life
1 // Boil some water in a tea kettle.
2 // Fill up the reusable water bag(s) half way with boiled water, lightly push out any excess air & close. This will be used as a hot compress.

PLEASE NOTE: If doing this for children, fill 1/4 bag with boiled water & 1/4 with regular temp water from the faucet so that it isn't too hot for their little bodies!
3 // Rub Organic Castor Oil all over the chest & stomach area.
4 // Place hand towel on top of chest & stomach area where castor oil was applied.
5 // Place one warm water bag over chest & one over abdomen area. *If placing on a child, they usually only need one water bag to cover both areas well.
6 // Relax & enjoy for at least one hour. Do as many times as you would like! If wanting to feel extra comfy, place a blanket over yourself, too.

It's a must have in my mama medicinal cabinet.
If you guys give it a try, let me know what you think!
As always, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
So much love,

PS. If you wanting to treat yourself to an exceptional Castor Oil Treatment & Massage,
you have to give Anat Shlagman with Traditionally Empowered Healing a call asap!
She is the reason I even found out about this awesomeness in the first place. She's an incredible person & healer.