Wearing Comfort : January Self Portrait
6:00am couldn't have been greeted better.

following yoga, i welcomed a kiss from Mark

more things than usual crossed my mind on that morning walk...
what was 2011 going to bring this 32nd year?
better yet,
how BIG was i going to dream?

later i treated myself to a bowl of Lucky Charms. oxymoron? i think not. i was feeling quite lucky.

as i enjoyed every morsel of my cereal, i decided to add a few more smiles to my morning by turning on Ellen
(we happen to share the same birthday by the way -- how cool is that?!).
somewhere in between sun salutations, to sweet kisses, to a brisk walk, to luck-filled food, to being inspired by Ellen,
something sparked in me that morning that made me realize the importance of
'wearing comfort'.
you know,
the comfort of your favorite outfit that makes you feel absolutely beautyFULL.
or the comfort of not wearing that certain pair of jeans on a day you feel bloated.
or even better, the comfort of being able to put on some make-up & feel pretty even though everything else that day made you feel otherwise.
better yet,,, the comfort of wearing absolutely no make-up & appreciating what God has lovingly given you.
or what about the comfort of being heartFULL in everything you do & everything you say?
more than ever, i want to remember this particular time in my life.
a time where i am choosing to not be so harsh with myself
& instead choosing to accept what i was created with. all of it. the good & the 'bad'.
i am realizing more & more that much of what we perceive is merely created by our own thoughts.
i am choosing to control those thoughts & better understand the capabilities of what my mind, body & soul can do to help others.
even the slightest way is better than no way.
i want to hold my thoughts accountable & challenge myself monthly to really dig deep.
so starting today i will be doing a self-portrait every month of this year.
below is my first & i call it :
' january truth '

32 to be exact.

some are comfortable
& some are not.
but all are packed with
& most of all a bold foreshadow of another bright year,
filled with only the most heartFULL words & acts of love & light.

what type of comfort are you wearing?!