
Jan 3, 2011 Personal
as you are well aware,,, it is 2011.

a brand new year & a 'fresh' new start.

as i sit here, i can't help but wonder why it is that sometimes it takes a turn of an entire year for us to make so-called 'resolutions' and/or positive changes in our lives? why is it that it is SO much harder to do so on any certain day of any week or month?

aaaaand trust me.... i speak for myself when i write this. it seems as though i have many (probably too many) hopeFULL thoughts, dreams & aspirations for changes i know i want to make a 'standard' in my life.

i voice them. i journal them... i even blog them.
& although some do actually happen (ahem,,, eventually ), i so easily get caught up in the 'have-to's' of life.

..."oh, yes, i definitely want to do this ____________________ daily, because i know it is good for me BUT
first before i can do that,
i have-to do this.
yes, then i can do that."

does anyone know what i am talking about???!

as always, i have so much more to say & write. i have SO much more that my soul craves to express.
but then this morning, just like that, i realized that
it doesn't all need to get done at once.

in fact, it simply cannot.
instead, i have decided to blog more often this year... you know, like the thoughts in-between-the-thoughts? yeah,,,, those. it is something that i have been wanting to do for so long, but letting miscellaneous 'have-to's get in the way.

and on that note, i leave you with something one of my ah!mazing clients & dear friends, Natalie, mailed to me a little while back :
i came across it again this morning & was pleasantly reminded that 2011 is pocketFULL of dreams & endless possibilities,,,

one thought,

one blog post

& one less 'have-to' at a time.
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