Wednesday's Whimsy : Almost Home

it is late,,, and although i am entirely spent, my spirit is like a finger tapping me gently on the shoulder, whispering in my ear where i can hear the echo of a million-and-one thoughts ready to burst at the seams. or so it feels.

it is 1:03am & i officially sound crazy, or crazier than my 'normal' crazy !... but i knew i had to blog at least briefly about a recent experience i had volunteering at a shelter called Almost Home, 'a truly No-Kill Animal Haven & Rescue' in Southfield.

truth be told. i didn't think i could actually do it. volunteer at an animal shelter, that is. i was quite fearful of
a) the unknown (ha! when aren't we?!), b) my heart snapping in two & wanting to take them all home with me & c) the unknown. again.

more than ever though, and especially lately, i have learned to trust & follow that good ol' heart of mine. i allowed it to make the choice for me & before i knew it, i was driving passenger in the pouring rain with my best friend Ang (who is also the ever-so awesome office assistant for .ksp.!) towards what ended up being one of the MOST humbling & gratifying experiences of . my . life.

i can't really FULLy explain how both Ang & i felt after helping out at Almost Home. it is something indescribable. truly.

however, i can & want to say this. these words, thoughts & emotions have been heavy on my heart ever-since :

if you haven't already,
i WHOLEheartedly encourage you to volunteer.
this month.
this year.
just. make. it. happen.

what if i told you that i guaranteed you that absolutely nothing but GOODNESS would come of it??!

because i do. and it will. i promise.

below are the first two dogs we walked, Sinatra & Chester, captured with my iPhone. are they the cutest or what?!
that day, Ang & i simply walked the dogs one at a time. you would be ah!mazed as to what an incredible difference it makes in their day just to have the mere interaction of a stroll. even in the pouring rain. i definitely realize that this may not be in everyone's comfort zone. please know that there are still PLENTY of other ways to volunteer & help out. be sure to check out their website for more info & ways to get involved!

they need help every single day of the week. even just dropping off a bag of food or treats would make the BIGGEST difference! it will feel great just to start .somewhere. & Almost Home is a wonderFULL place to do so.

as for me,,, i am sure it is of no surprise to you that this isn't the last you will hear about this. i will be volunteering there as much as possible & am excited to see the bright possibility of all that can happen. one person at a time.

before i sign off for the night, i leave you with this heartFULL quote from their website :

We find beauty in the most incomprehensible places and the otherwise homely faces.
It’s our gift to see beyond the dirt, terror, sadness and defeat to find the true soul that lies within.
We are animal rescuers.”

~ Author Unknown

wishing you all a very happy, FULL-filling "wednesday's whimsy" & rest of the week!

with love, heart & gratitude always,

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