Bloom With Grace
"Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace."
-- Ave Mateiu
I think it's safe to say that all of us can relate to life 'planting us' in unexpected & not welcomed ways these past few months of quarantine. It's more important now than ever that we remember daily that everyone is going to handle things differently. We need to be sensitive & respectful, as well as give ourself & others extra GRACE during this time.
Sometimes giving yourself grace can mean letting go a bit & allowing yourself to just BE. Sometimes it's forgiveness for unnecessary self-criticism. Sometimes it's when you just feel SO unbelievably exhausted & you can't understand WHY when you are literally always home & going no where. Sometimes it's when you are feeling extra anxious because of something you heard on the news. Sometimes it's letting some steam out at a loved one because you feel all the feels right now.
The list can go on & on, but what a beautiful concept to think, though, that even during this unknown time we can actually BLOOM with GRACE. We can take all of this -- the good, the bad, the ugly, the sad, the hard, the e v e r y t h i n g... & place HOPE that we CAN grow.
We can BLOOM. Just one day of grace at a time.
-- Ave Mateiu
I think it's safe to say that all of us can relate to life 'planting us' in unexpected & not welcomed ways these past few months of quarantine. It's more important now than ever that we remember daily that everyone is going to handle things differently. We need to be sensitive & respectful, as well as give ourself & others extra GRACE during this time.
Sometimes giving yourself grace can mean letting go a bit & allowing yourself to just BE. Sometimes it's forgiveness for unnecessary self-criticism. Sometimes it's when you just feel SO unbelievably exhausted & you can't understand WHY when you are literally always home & going no where. Sometimes it's when you are feeling extra anxious because of something you heard on the news. Sometimes it's letting some steam out at a loved one because you feel all the feels right now.
The list can go on & on, but what a beautiful concept to think, though, that even during this unknown time we can actually BLOOM with GRACE. We can take all of this -- the good, the bad, the ugly, the sad, the hard, the e v e r y t h i n g... & place HOPE that we CAN grow.
We can BLOOM. Just one day of grace at a time.

PS. Thank you @growthistheplan for following your heart & making me this bracelet during a time that I didn't even realize that I needed the reminder daily.
I'm so grateful.
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