50 Life Lessons Part I

i have been saving this for the perfect time. and that time is now. a while back a friend of mine sent me this because he knew i would like it & thought it may be appropriate for one of my "wednesday's whimsy". i definitely agreed except for one thing -- i didn't 'like' it,,, i loved it.
{thanks again Ned!!}

it is pretty much a normalcy for me to constantly be filled with too many thoughts, inspiration, ideas & passionate bursts. however, with the start of the new year my creative mind & heart have been feeling wound up like that little pink energizer bunny --- i have far too many things i want to express & share that the mere thought of where to start feels terribly overwhelming.

so i decided to start here. with this. in hopes that maybe one, or two,,, or 20 of these strike a cord in your heart.
in hopes that maybe one or 2 or three of these inspire wonderFULL you to start this year in an upward direction.
in hopes that maybe one or two will make you smile.
in hopes of this doing something positive for you, as it did for me.

on May 28, 2006, Regina Brett, a columnist for, The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio, wrote :

.Regina Brett's 45 life lessons and 5 to grow on.

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolls over to 50 this week, so here's an update." ~ Regina Brett

there are so many powerful & inspirational points below, i decided to break this "wednesday's whimsy" post up into two parts.

here are the first 25 of the "50 Life Lessons" by Regina Brett :
i hope your week & start of the new year are off to an ahhhhhh!mazing start!!!

wishing you the very best year yet...

with great heart, love & gratitude,

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