november 20, 2011.
it was a gorgeous Sunday morning & we decided to take an early morning walk to our favorite tree, Earl.
to be honest, i was pretty overwhelmed & not feeling my best this particular weekend. we sat down by Earl & as Jones sniffed away at the morning dew, Mark told me he had something to share with me.
he asked me to close my eyes & as they were closing i saw him grab his iPhone. i thought to myself, "oh cool. maybe he will play me a new song."
for a moment i will pause this story for this important SIDE NOTE : for those of you who don't know, Mark has a great passion for music & can create songs on a whim through his heart, mind, fingers & piano. it is truly amazing to witness.
...ok, now where was i?
oh yes -- a new song it was! except this time it was a song he created FOR ME!!! i couldn't believe it & to say i felt touched is the understatement of the year.
as i listened, i kept thinking 'how sweet it was' & even thought 'wow, this would be a great song to play for me when he proposes'... completely oblivious until the song ended and he told me i could open my eyes.
there he was... kneeling down with a shiny red box & gorgeous ring mumbling out some words to me that are forever lost in my memory bank. i screamed & cried out "YES. OF COURSE!!!", then proceeded to wrap my entire self around him.
we decided to keep the morning to ourselves and go out to breakfast & church. afterwards, i needed to stop by the studio & then we had planned to go visit each of our parents & start calling our loved ones. well, little did i know that the rest of the day was filled with even more surprises!
as we were pulling up to the studio, still basking in our pure joy & excitement
, i noticed that the parking lot was COMPLETELY full. i turned to Mark & said,
"Mark! someone is having a party & they are using MY parking lot for their guests!!!!"
yes. i actually said that.
needless to say, not even a minute later, as we pulled into the parking lot i saw my sweet pup, family & friends in the backyard and well, i totally LOST IT. i can't remember the last time i cried that hard... tears of extreme happiness & complete disbelief.
it was a day i will never forget. ever. my sweetie totally out did himself. { love you honey!!! }
it was a gorgeous Sunday morning & we decided to take an early morning walk to our favorite tree, Earl.

he asked me to close my eyes & as they were closing i saw him grab his iPhone. i thought to myself, "oh cool. maybe he will play me a new song."

for a moment i will pause this story for this important SIDE NOTE : for those of you who don't know, Mark has a great passion for music & can create songs on a whim through his heart, mind, fingers & piano. it is truly amazing to witness.

...ok, now where was i?

as i listened, i kept thinking 'how sweet it was' & even thought 'wow, this would be a great song to play for me when he proposes'... completely oblivious until the song ended and he told me i could open my eyes.
there he was... kneeling down with a shiny red box & gorgeous ring mumbling out some words to me that are forever lost in my memory bank. i screamed & cried out "YES. OF COURSE!!!", then proceeded to wrap my entire self around him.

we decided to keep the morning to ourselves and go out to breakfast & church. afterwards, i needed to stop by the studio & then we had planned to go visit each of our parents & start calling our loved ones. well, little did i know that the rest of the day was filled with even more surprises!

"Mark! someone is having a party & they are using MY parking lot for their guests!!!!"
yes. i actually said that.

needless to say, not even a minute later, as we pulled into the parking lot i saw my sweet pup, family & friends in the backyard and well, i totally LOST IT. i can't remember the last time i cried that hard... tears of extreme happiness & complete disbelief.
it was a day i will never forget. ever. my sweetie totally out did himself. { love you honey!!! }

this is SUCH a special time in our lives as we plan our wedding day & we are making an effort to soak it all in despite our crazy busy lives!
one way of doing so was by taking some time for ourselves with our engagement session.

KSP's amazing misssss Abbey did SUCH a great job capturing our love & joy. as i promised in this post there were more images to come & here they are!

be sure to check out the SLIDESHOW at the end of this post if you would like to see more images from our esession,
as well as hear the song Mark wrote & sang for me when he proposed.

of course we had to have a cool tree involved!

i call this one 'wrapped up in HAPPY'

& ps. the AWESOME cowlneck that i was wearing for our esession (& the one that Abbey is wearing below) are created byAbbey herself!
she is SO incredibly talented. to check out more of her work & creations,
go to Artisans of Abbey!!!

*** CLICK HERE!!! ***
to view the slideshow & see many more photographs from our engagement session with KSP's awesome Abbey!