Wednesday's.whimsy:making.our.own 'happy'

i received some news recently that was,
as one of my former clients & friend recently described as,

both crazy & awesome at the same time.

i couldn't agree more.

truth be told, there has been much to do with very little time before i embark on a new, long awaited, journey.
...i would be lying if i were to say that things have been stress-free lately,
however, i can say that i am doing my best to tackle it all




at a time.

as well as recognize the gifts we are given every single day,,,
despite how 'bad' our day may 'seem'.

then one day, this happened :
...and i was pleasantly reminded how

we all have the power to make our own 'happy',
even on the worst of days.

be it to the sprinkles we choose to color up our coffee with,
to a good heart to heart conversation with a best friend,
to watching your dog make people laugh out loud as he sticks his entire head out the car window while cruising thru the town,,,
for example.

we just have to keep our eyes open to the endless opportunities to do so.

i hope this finds you having a crazy & awesome at the same time MOST happy "wednesday's whimsy"!

with love & heart,
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