Essential Oil Love
I have been writing this blog post in my head for a while now...
and yet something kept stopping me from putting it to paper, errrr blog 'paper' that is.
Then recently I realized that I keep waiting for this perfect time to share what has been on my heart, but the truth is that there may never be a "perfect" time. The time is NOW! & I knew I needed to write.
Why? Because upon becoming a mother, I have realized that we -- us hard-working selfless amazing MOTHERS -- need to support each other. We need to pick each other up. We need to share our successes, but more importantly our struggles. We need to scream to the roof tops that we can't do this alone! We need help! We need each other.
And what I want to talk about today is that I have learned that we also NEED Essential Oils... at least, in my opinion. They make everything so much better!
I asked myself, "If I was so passionate about sharing this with my closest friends, then why not with you?" I am telling you today, because I knew I had to. Not talking about this is feeling like I am hiding some sort of secret -- but that doesn't make any sense!
Why would I hide something that could benefit you & your loved ones greatly?
Well, I can't. So here I am, telling you because I feel in my heart of hearts,
you need to know.
and yet something kept stopping me from putting it to paper, errrr blog 'paper' that is.
Then recently I realized that I keep waiting for this perfect time to share what has been on my heart, but the truth is that there may never be a "perfect" time. The time is NOW! & I knew I needed to write.
Why? Because upon becoming a mother, I have realized that we -- us hard-working selfless amazing MOTHERS -- need to support each other. We need to pick each other up. We need to share our successes, but more importantly our struggles. We need to scream to the roof tops that we can't do this alone! We need help! We need each other.
And what I want to talk about today is that I have learned that we also NEED Essential Oils... at least, in my opinion. They make everything so much better!
I asked myself, "If I was so passionate about sharing this with my closest friends, then why not with you?" I am telling you today, because I knew I had to. Not talking about this is feeling like I am hiding some sort of secret -- but that doesn't make any sense!
Well, I can't. So here I am, telling you because I feel in my heart of hearts,
you need to know.
As you know, I have always been into health & nutrition. Then I became a mother, and that desire for my family to live as naturally as possible increased 100 times fold. all of a sudden, I couldn't get enough of reading & researching E V E R Y T H I N G -- from what we put into our bodies, to what we put on our bodies, to what we drink, breathe -- you name it, I was interested in knowing more.
I am also a rule-follower, so when I was pregnant, I didn't put anything into my body that was questionable or not naturally produced. After the birth of our son, I began having tension headaches (I think largely due to major lack of sleep). Before I was pregnant, I was so used to popping Advil whenever I had a bad headache. However, after 41 weeks of not putting anything of the sort into my body AND a very long natural birth, I was reluctant to take Advil -- I just didn't feel comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I am not against medicine or anything like that! I just realized through my pregnancy journey how RIDICULOUSLY STRONG our mind & bodies are and I became even more inspired to always want to try a holistic way first.
Looooong story short, my good friend told me to try Essential Oils for my tension headaches - her & her hubby raved about them helping. Truth be told, I had kinda been wanting to try them for a while but always felt a little overwhelmed & a bit skeptical -- where do I even begin? What if I use them wrong? Are they even worth it? I mean, come on - do they REALLY work? But this time, I was ready to take the plunge & just give it a whirl.
They REALLY work.
People, they are AMAZING
& I love, L O V E them.
They have done wonders within our household, helping with everything from allergies, to aches, to skin, to breathing, to anxiety, to stress, to energy, to spirit -- you name it, there really is an oil for that.
My oil journey first began with DoTerra, but I switched to Young Living Essential Oils as my oil of choice after going to a dear friend's oil party, learning more about the company & their Seed to Seal process, as well as literally smelling the difference in the oils. *Side note: I have nothing against DoTerra - they have great oils. I personally felt more comfortable after learning more about the YL company & knowing where the oils were coming from, as well as that they are 100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.
1 // They help keep my family healthy mentally, physically & emotionally. I have countless stories of how they have helped me, my husband, our son, our family, our friends... the list goes on & on. They work people! If you are consistent & educated on their uses, they work.
2 // They are fun. No, really, they are! I absolutely love mixing up new oil mixes, trying out new oils, creating roller balls, cleaning my house with them, wearing some as perfume, sharing them, and learning more & more every day. They create whatever atmosphere your heart may desire. I can't tell you how many times I have had someone walk into my home & ask me, "What smells so good?" Oh you know, just a little combo of some of my fave oils diffusing naturally into our home.
3 // Essential oils have been used for THOUSANDS OF YEARS for many purposes! Young Living Essential Oils are 100% pure, natural, therapeutic grade oils & as it states on their site: "Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions to a total mind/body wellness they may never have dreamed possible.Primarily extracted through careful steam distillation but also through cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they were extracted. Any time you hold a bottle of our powerful essential oils, you are holding nature's pure essence." I mean, how AWESOME is that?
If you have ANY questions or are interested in learning more,
feel free to ask away in the comment area below or you can also email me.
Ready to experience healing and feel more vibrant?
Click HERE to get started with your very own Young Living oil kit!
ps. You will see my member #3007395 when filling out the registration form.
Once signed up, I would then also invite you into some incredibly supportive Facebook private groups.
Also, it is important that you know that by signing up under my link,
you are NOT signing up for any "pyramid" or "scheme" type business,
nor do you have to place monthly orders or anything like that. There is absolutely no pressure!!!
These oils are simply for your own use & I am here to help in any way I can.
So excited to be on this journey with you.
aren't they pretty?
There really are natural ways to energize, heal, inspire & transform your daily life.
For me & my family (that includes our four-legged children ),
Young Living Essential Oils have literally changed our world
& I am SO very thankful for that.
MUCH love to you!
ps. Below are two things I can't live without.
1// StressAway Oil -- I tell everyone that the minute they get their kit to immediately place the metal rollerball (that comes with the kit) on top of their StressAway. Rub a little on your wrists & neck to reduce stress all day long! SO good.
2// I am OBSESSED with pretty much anything THIEVES. No really, I am. It is an incredible oil that does SO MUCH for our health & immune system. Thieves Cleaner is my go-to safe, non-toxic cleaner for our household. Simply put a cap full (or two depending on how strong you want to make it) combined with some purified water & clean away! This stuff cleans everything from my child's high-chair to our bathroom. on top of everything, it smells SOOOOO good & fresh. win WIN!
The Amber Glass Spray Bottle I ordered separately from Amazon.
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